Friday, March 12, 2010


Have you lost the same pounds over and over again? If that is the case for you like it was for me then the following statement applies to you: "Whatever you've tried in the past didn't help enough or you would have lost weight and kept it off." Please answer the following questions to determine where your motivation level.
1. How willing are you to change your eating and exercise habits?
Not at all..... A little...... A moderate amount...... A lot..... Completely
2. How willing are you to tell relevant people you're changing the way you eat? Not at all..... A little...... A moderate amount...... A lot..... Completely
3. How willing are you to invest money for healthy foods and put in the time needed to exercise and prepare healthy foods?
Not at all..... A little...... A moderate amount...... A lot..... Completely
If you are not completely willing to do these things, you will need to learn how to increase your motivation because these tasks are essential. If you need motivation consider joining my next Weight Loss Challenge group. It starts Monday, April 12th from 6:45-7:45pm. You will receive 12 weeks of motivational support and you can lose that excess weight!

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